Februari. Identik sama Valentine's Day (14 Februari). But since I'm a moslem, I don't celebrate that kind of thing. But I did have such a great day on February 14th! Wanna know why??? Wanna know why??? hahaha here we go..
FYI, 2 of my best friends got birthdays on this month! <:D (Adinda Puspa Negari on Feb' 11th & Rahmadhona Febriani on Feb' 16th)
1. Visiting Dinda when she got sick. (before her birthday)

kurang konyol apa coba tuh. orang sakit malah dikasih mainan bayi, bunga plastik, sama kartu ucapan ._.

2. February 14th. Ngasih surprise ke rumah Dinda malem-malem. (maaf ya, Din gabisa tepat waktu :D)

3. February 19th. Ngasih surprise ke Dhona malem-malem. (maaf juga ya, Dhon gabisa tepat waktu. Maklum kita kita sibuk :P)

gara-gara Dindanya lagi sakit, gabisa diceplokin deh. tapi tenang, ga mungkin ga diceplokin. see next pictures! ;D
You know what's so good about that??? Yea well, for me, meeting up with my best friends is my hobby. Dengan semakin gilanya pelajaran-pelajaran SMA yg bikin mumet, ketemu sahabat-sahabat yg udah ga satu sekolah lagi itu bener-bener ngebangkitin mood banget. Gw seneng banget punya sahabat-sahabat kayak mereka. Yang masih bisa ketemu frequently walaupun udah beda-beda sekolahnya, dan begitu pas ketemu...nothing changes! :'D kita masih bisa ngakak ga tau malu satu sama lain, curhat, dsb. EA bgt ga sih gw nulis begini? wkwkwkw tapi seriusan. Gw merasa beruntung bgt bisa dipertemukan sama makhluk-makhluk seperti mereka. I don't know what is it that makes me feel like everything's right when I'm with them. I love them way too much. We have such so many histories. I just...don't wanna loose them :')
There is a song from Miley Cyrus titled "True Friend". And this song perfectly says what I really wanna say to them (my best friends). "You've got a million ways to make me laugh. You've got my back. You know the secrets I could never tell. And when I'm quiet, you break through my shell. Don't feel the need to do a rebel yell 'cause you keep my feet on the ground. You don't get angry when I change the plans, somehow you'll never out of second chances. Friends hang on through the ups and the downs 'cause they've got someone to believe in. You're a true friend. You're here till the end." AMEN! ;)
Have true friends? Old friends? New friends? Whatever they are, just stay in touch. ;)
Best friends = best free therapists. EVER.
PS: Dil, Din, Dhon, Han, Kah, even though we're apart now, I'll always remember you. Everything that we had, all the good, all the bad, I keep 'em here inside..