Wassup, baby F?! :D
Whoa. I've really been growing. :O
A lot of Indonesians think that this number of age, seventeen, is very crucial for them. I'm an Indonesian, but I don't even get it. I don't get it, why on earth being seventeen is THAT special?? Is it because the driving license we can get or what? I mean, what are birthdays after all? Here today, gone tomorrow..
Being a seventeen-year old girl, or let me say it 'being an adult' does freak the hell out of me. Like, we can no longer do what WE want to do, we do what OUR BOSS wants us to do. Even when we do something in our own ways, we would be dead if we screwed up. So it's more like, if we can't do the orders, it will be considered as ourselves commit suicide.
But anyways, I had so much fun on my 17th birthday, I must say. :D
So, I just had my seventeenth birthday on the last December 14th. And here they are again. Giving me another best birthday surprise. Another birthday with the same amazing people. Couldn't get any happier. Haha :)

Loving those birthday hats they created!! :'D

I've survived for 16 years. I shall survive longer. Yeah. I, got to.

This extremely happy of your face is what you called: "priceless". :')

Laughing and crying at the same time is another definition of: "priceless". :)

Yes. I, literally, cried.
AND SINCE, I haven't thanked them properly, well, here it is..
"Adinda Puspa Negari...
Eka Kresno Dianti...
Fadillah Kurniawati...
Jihan Nur Sakinah...
Rahmadhona Febriani...
...Jangan ketawa dulu. Gw mau ngomong seriusan. Wkwkwkw.
Gw, yang kalian biasa panggil Fia ini, truly, sincerely, genuinely, deeply, thank you SO much. Terima kasih banyak udah nyempet-nyempetin buatin kerajinan tangan itu. Terharu parah ngebayangin lu pada dengan telatennya nyetak foto2 aib gw, mintain foto2 ke temen2 kalian, gunting2in fotonya beserta kertas2 warnanya, trus ditempelin satu2. Udah gitu bikin topi2 ulangtahun dari koran. Sumpah, otak lu pada gua rasa udah beneran konslet ye.
Terimakasih banyak udah luangin waktu malem-malem ngasih surprise yang sangat konyol itu. Apalagi Dinda, yang masih UAS saat itu. Dan Jihan yang sampe keilangan motor unexpectedly. Gak kebayang aja habis ngakak2 bareng, betulan ngakak2 ampe nangis, eh pas pulang ada tragedi. Then it's true that "no matter how bad or good a situation is, it will change."
DAN, yang paling penting, THANK YOU for being there for me even at my worst times. For constantly being the highlight of my day. For making me believe that true friends DO exist. For being the best of friends anyone could ever have. For every thing. Gah, I can never thank you guys enough.
We've been through A LOT, together. Like, seriously. Our friendship has always been the best present of mine. I wouldn't trade anything in this world for this friendship.
I love you girls with all my butt. I would say 'my heart', but my butt is bigger. :P"
There's something I would say but I forgot to. For whoever that came on December 22nd, I don't feel like saying this 'birthday party', so I will just say a Thank-You party. Iya. Each one of you udah berperan banyak dalam kehidupan gw sampe 17 tahun ini. Yang mana, pastinya bikin gw jadi pribadi yang lebih baik. I mean it. And I thank you for that, SO much. Hope y'all enjoyed the night. :)
Han, wish you were there with us. :(

Last but not least.. Terimakasih banyak untuk hadiahnya dan pelajaran2 hidupnya itu, sobatku, abang-abanganku, Muhammad Fahlevi Pradana. :D
PS.: Bingung mau ngasih kado ulangtahun apa? Just make your beloved ones feel special on their very special birthday! Make 'em feel loved. Trust me, it works. LOL. No but seriously. 'Cause I did. I felt happy, like, beyond happy. Those 2 nights are really nights to remember. I felt blessed. And thankfully, I still am. :)