December 28, 2012

Channing Matthew Tatum

I know the first words that came to your mind when you heard his name might be: "ah, that hollywood hunk.", but just let me explain a little about this gentleman I adore SO much. About how much more than a hunk he is. About how hell of a man he actually is.

Okay. So last night I watched a video of Channing Tatum's interviews about love, marriage, and his wife on YouTube. And man, I really hope that there are still men out there who love like he does.

Behold for one of the most devoted hubbies in the whole wide world...

In case you don't feel like watching the video, I'm going to tell you my favorite lines:

1.  Channing Tatum's Views on Love...
     "Love is conditional, I think. I mean, you find someone that you can grow with, and one that makes you want to grow and makes you a better person, really. My wife literally makes me think about being a better person every single day in some facet, you know, and in a not really killing way, in like a we're-gonna-do-it-together way."

2.   Channing Tatum was Asked For a Marital Advice...
      "The woman is always right, and happy wife, happy life."

3.   Channing Tatum was Complimented for His Acting in 'The Vow'...
     "Obviously I'm in love with my wife for about seven years now, we've been married for three, and you know, it's not that hard to act like you're in love 'cause you ARE in love."

4.   Channing Tatum on What He Cherishes The Most About Being             Married...
     "Even the small thing, I'm just saying, my wife, I don't know what it is about it, but it makes me happy. It makes me feel responsible, or older, or the thing of like having that responsibility for someone makes me feel like I've accomplished something. And that I'm worthy of someone. And I don't know, like, there's a safety in it for me that...I love that at the end of the day, no matter how much I might fail at something, that they're just gonna love me."

...aaaand now you get it. (or you still don't. and that's your bad. hehe) ;)

P.S.: From the video, what Channing tries to say to Jenna (his wife) every single day might sound cheesy, but screw cheesy! I speak for the entire woman race: those kind of words are exactly the words we would love to hear from our husband every, friggin, day. Period.

July 18, 2012

Sevone 5th: Back To Nineties

Jadi, tanggal 14 Juli 2012 kemaren, sekolah gw SMAN 71 Jakarta ngadain pentas seni. Dan 3 minggu sebelumnya, kita ngadain Sevone Cup gitu. Kebetulan, gw masuk kepanitiaan dalam dua acara itu. Terlibat dalam kepanitiaan suatu acara sekolah kayak gitu itu..was time-and-energy-consuming, but super fun though.
Gw sangat merindukan being a part of an organization seperti waktu SMP dulu. Sekarang, di SMA gw bukan anggota osis, jadi waktu pas open recruitment panitia pensi, I gave it a shot.
Komitmen dalam suatu event mengharuskan kita buat bagi waktu sebaik mungkin, which is lumayan susah buat pelajar SMA kayak kita. Belum lagi nyatuin kepala antar panitia yang juga mengharuskan kita buat ngatur emosi yang bener. Emang engga gampang pas ngejalaninnya, tapi yakin banget suatu saat nanti kita bakal kangen berat dateng ke sekolah jam 6 pagi selama beberapa hari yang kalau telat didenda seribu rupiah per menit, kangen rapat evalnya, mondar-mandir sana sini, kejemur di lapangan sampe gosong, dan masih banyak lagi.

Terlepas dari semua kekurangan yang ada, pada akhirnya SEVONE 5th tercapai sudah. Terima kasih banyak untuk semua panitia yang udah bekerjasama dengan sangat baik, terutama untuk anak-anak Sie. Acara :D Semoga Sevone selanjutnya dan seterusnya akan lebih sukses lagi. Aamiin ya robbal 'alamiin!
Last but not least, terimakasih banyak juga buat kalian-kalian yang udah dateng ke acara kami! Ditunggu kedatangan selanjutnya di event berikutnya! :D


March 22, 2012

A Lesson From A Moon

I love moon. I love staring at it. Heck, I love the whole component of sky. The stars, sun, clouds, galaxies, planets, everything. They always amaze me.

Full-moon is my favorite. And tonight, it appeared. So beautifully.

As I sit here, being thankful for the beautiful combination of tonight's sky, I learned something.
I learned that:
Some Things Are Meant To Be Enjoyed From The Distance.
Yep. As we can see from here, from the ground of the earth, moon is this one of God's most lovely creation. But, unfortunately, if we can see closer, all we can see is that hideous surface of the moon. That giant, grey, dusty, and boring view to see. Let's take a look.

Now, what do you think of moon after all? I bet you don't say "it's beautiful" anymore. If you ask why do all this time we think it's beautiful, here is why. Because, we see it from the distance. Because, Moon has the Sun to make itself look good. I'm saying, that: everything you find it beautiful, can be just a mirage*. You think it's flawless, but actually it isn't.

In other words, it's not necessary to have or own something/someone that you find attractive. As long as we can enjoy those things from a distance, why bother running after them so hard that you would only get yourself disappointed in the end?

Yes, just like the moon. I don't have to own the Moon. Because for me, it's enough just to simply stare at it and keep admiring it from the distance. :)

(*mirage: fatamorgana)

February 4, 2012

Happy Belated New Year!

Iya gw tau ini udah bulan Februari. Iya gw tau kedengerannya pasti basi banget kalo gw ngucapin "Selamat Tahun Baru 2012". Iya iya paham gw paham. T_T

"Cepet ya udah 2012 aja." Ya, kurang lebih kata-kata itulah yang sedang ada di pikiran dan diucapkan banyak orang sekarang-sekarang ini. Termasuk gw. My 2011 wasn't an easy road. But it was still a beautiful journey though. BANYAAAAAK banget pelajaran yang gw dapet dari segala macem kesusahan yang gw alamin di tahun 2011. Dan ga kalah BANYAAAAAAK juga kenangan-kenangan indah yang gw (baik sengaja ataupun engga) buat selama setahun 2011 itu. Which made me think, those hard times were worth the suffering, laaah. Hehe.
Momen-momen itu, yang manis maupun yang asem, yang bikin ketawa jungkir balik maupun yang bikin nangis garukin tanah, adalah yang pada akhirnya menjadi kenangan dan pelajaran untuk diri sendiri di kemudian hari. Ya kan? Jadi, untuk apa menyesali yang udah terjadi? It was all what you wanted anyway. Yes? :)

Ngomong-ngomong, tahun ini gw baru berani bikin resolusi tahun baru nih. Hahahaha. Baru berani. Kedengerannya gimana gitu ya. Abis menurut gw, resolusi itu bukan cuma sekedar omongan, tulisan atau impian. ASEK. Wkwkwk. Dengan gw menulis harapan-harapan gw di kertas itu, secara ga langsung gw udah janji ke diri sendiri untuk (setidaknya berusaha) wujudinnya. Resolusi; bisa menjadi suntikan semangat sekaligus boomerang saat lo gabisa nepatinnya. Now the choice is all yours. Berhati-hatilah dengan resolusi mu! :D

Almost forgot. HAPPY BELATED NEW YEAR 2012, everyone!!!

Dear 2012, show me what you've got. I am SO ready!

January 4, 2012

Hail Movie-freaks.

Mama : "Fi, jangan nonton film mulu gaada gunanya. Belajar gih!"
Gw : "@#$%^&*~!"

Here's to My Mom and those who said so...

MOVIE RULES. We can know more about other's perspective so we can be an open-minded one. We can even know the moves to prevent the 'bad guys' from action movies, right?! hahahaha. Heck, there are SO much of life lessons to be learned just by watching movies. Therefore, Mom, I AM studying. Sorry, you were saying..? :>


Hello, Horses. It's been a while, huh? :)

Alhamdulillah masih dikasih kesempatan buat ketemu kuda-kuda lagi bahkan naikinnya. You have no idea how hyped I was to finally got to do horseback riding again!! Hahahahahahaha. You know, riding a horse, sitting there, enjoying the wonderful nature.. It’s like, one of the best self-remedies ever. HOWDY!!! :D

Ngomong-ngomong, dulu, pas gw masih kelas 1 SD, naik kuda terus ninggalin abangnya jauh di belakang seakan-akan gw mau bawa kabur kudanya itu gw pikir normal. Now that I’m older, I consider that was a bit of my childhood madness.

Buat temen-temen di daerah Jakarta yang suka kuda juga terus kesulitan cari kuda yang bisa disewa, siapatau ada yang belum tau nih, ada arena pacuan kuda di Pulo Mas. Tempat & pemandangannya bagus kok. Di tempat parkirnya ada banyak anak-anak kecil yang nawarin kuda, tarifnya Rp 15.000 buat orang dewasa dan Rp 10.000 buat anak kecil. Tapi itu cuma keliling area parkir doang. Nah, kalo belum puas, bisa dicoba nyewa kuda untuk dipake di arena pacuannya. Per-jam, Rp 100.000 buat kuda lokal dan Rp 200.000 buat kuda impor. Terus, yang tertarik latihan berkuda, biayanya Rp 245.000,-/45 menit. Oh iya! Kalo mau dateng pas rame, pas kuda-kudanya lagi dilatih, bisa dateng jam 6-7 pagi atau sore sekitar jam 3-4.

Enaknya, di Pulo Mas, kalo lagi sepi, kita bisa keliling-keliling jalan kaki. Ke barn nya, ke ladangnya, dsb. Gw saranin kalo bisa pake boots atau pake sepatu yang cocok lah ya. Soalnya disitu banyak tanah becek dan kalo lo ‘beruntung’, lo bisa nemuin banyak feses kuda yang sangat memungkinkan untuk lo injek. Wkwkwk