October 11, 2011

Bonding at Concerts. Why not? ;)

So I went to this concert. My all-time-favorite boyband. Yes. W E S T L I F E. Though they had to stop the show for 30 mins because of the over-crowding, I still had SO much fun. You guys should know how absolutely amazing Westlife is. Their voices stay the same like for all times. Listening to their songs then suddenly remembering those beautiful childhood memories, is one of the best self-remedies. EVER. Mayn, I kinda grew up with their music. I must be lying if I told you I was not THAT excited for attending the concert. Haha :D

Speaking about the over-crowding, gue, sebagai salah satu penonton berkewarganegaraan Indonesia yang berada di kelas festival malem itu, ngerasa ‘malu’ sama tim Westlife Gravity Tour. I mean, how could I not?! Pas over-crowding itu berlangsung, gak sedikit penonton yang (sayangnya) berkewarganegaraan Indonesia juga malah nge-BOO-in pas disuruh step back & keep calm sama promotor konser itu. Sadar gak sih, dengan sikap stubborn kayak gitu, kita nunjukkin ke orang luar kalo kita tuh gak solid sama promotor konser itu, yang notabennya berkewarganegaraan Indonesia juga? Which means, kita sesama orang Indonesia aja gak kompak?? Apa kata dunia?? Kind of.....embarrassing, wasn’t it? :(

Itu point pertama. Point kedua, gw mau ngebahas tentang ke-solid-an antar sesama orang Indonesia juga nih. Gausah jauh-jauh, gw ambil contoh dari event yang sama juga.

Jadi gini; opening band buat Westlife Gravity Tour kemaren itu adalah sebuah boyband dari Indonesia. Ya, Negara kita. Mau gimanapun juga tetep aja mereka itu sodara sebangsa kita. Yang bikin gw miris adalah, gak sedikit penonton yang nge-BOO-in opening band itu. I was like, “people? Seriously? Can’t you just please stop BOO-ing at them?! At least until Westlife and its team gone???” Yak, lagi dan lagi keliatan deh kurang solidnya orang Indonesia.

Gw yakin, banyak di antara kita yang get irritated oleh opening acts sebuah konser. Jujur, gw pun sering begitu. Tapi, mau segimanapun jeleknya opening acts sebuah konser, PLEASE, control yourself, don’t expect them to be as great as ‘the actual performers’ you desire to watch. Coba deh posisikan diri lo jadi salah satu bagian dari opening act itu. Bukannya mereka udah cukup dapet tekanan atas tuntutan buat tampil bagus sebelum sebuah band yang (basically) 100 times better dari mereka? Terus, kenapa lo masih mau gitu nambahin pressure mereka dengan kata-kata “BOO” yang lo lemparin ke mereka, yang seakan-akan nyuruh mereka turun dari panggung saat itu juga. WHAT IF, ternyata kata2 lo itu, mereka masukin hati atau pikirin terus-terusan? Enough with the hate. At least, they’ve had the guts to do something big and you guys don’t.

So, what I’m trying to say here is:

wouldn’t it be wonderful to show the world that we Indonesians stand as one? J


1 comment:

  1. may i have comment on your post?
    although im not saw the concert, but i dont want being like them. i was appreciated for the boyband. which one, the one person of the boyband is my friend. i appreciated of them, they act, they music, and absolutely they team work.
    i heard news about the over-crowded, and think the indonesian people was embrassing themself. if they read your post, maybe they would be shy or you-can-describe-them-by-yourself. ;)
