December 27, 2011

What's so good about horse?

What's SO good about horse??

Well, okay. Um, so first of all, I love horses. SO much.
AND, since I'm a Sagittarian, which has the symbol of a creature: half human, half horse, and is an archer. I don't know exactly what does this archer mean. Whatevs.
I know many people think how stinks this creature but here I can tell you the thought about horses that MIGHT change your thought about it:

"Strong, beautiful, and adorable. But all they could do was graze all day in a fenced yard. People ride them, make them pull heavy lodges, sometimes even whip them. They are also placed in steeled shoes with a burning flame. Training them. Made them do what they wanted you to do. That's a horse life, I guess. It's a horse's destiny. They are strong but helpless. Maybe too kind-hearted. Too understanding. Too compassionate and loyal. All they wish is to serve people and give us, humans, what we need and what we want."

I mean, come on, look at the pics below. Isn't she a beaut?! :)

Or maybe, is anyone here kind enough to buy me a horse or a phony, maybe? No? Okay. The dolls would be accepted too, fyi. bahahaha joking. :P

BY THE WAY, it's always been my dream to build a horse camp for kids. So, can I get an amen to that??? :D

Blue Jeans & Pollie say bye bye!! :D

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