January 17, 2017

My 2016 in A Nutshell

Gue kira 2015 udah jahat banget sama gue, ternyata 2016 kemarin lebih 'luar biasa'.

Di tahun itu gue belajar kalau people can surprise you in a way you have never imagined before.

Tahun dimana gue bahkan pernah ngerasa takut dengan matahari terbit just because it was SO hard to seize the day at the moment.

The worst thing was, setahun itu gue nggak bisa jadi diri sendiri seutuhnya. I was absolutely broken inside. I couldn't express myself at most times. Heck, even getting up from bed was the hardest thing to do.

I kept it all together too much, to the point where I let myself down.

That year, I had never felt more of a coward yet more of a fighter.

But damn it if it wasn't the best year of my life. I made it here now.

So here's to the New Year.

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